

Type -
Description -
Location Contig640: 38563-48406


ID rcu:RCOM_1347200
description DNA replication licensing factor MCM7, putative
ID XP_002515287.1
description DNA replication licensing factor MCM7, putative [Ricinus communis]
ID P43299
description DNA replication licensing factor MCM7 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana GN=MCM7 PE=1 SV=2
description DNA helicase OS=Ricinus communis GN=RCOM_1347200 PE=3 SV=1
Gene Ontology
ID GO:0005634
description dna replication licensing factor mcm7

Full-length cDNA clone information

PASA_asmbl_52073: 47589-48309

Similar expressed genes (Top20)

Rank Gene Score (JSD) Function Description NCBI(nr) information
1 Hb_000640_050 0.0 - - DNA replication licensing factor MCM7, putative [Ricinus communis]
2 Hb_021495_010 0.1140942403 - - conserved hypothetical protein [Ricinus communis]
3 Hb_000959_190 0.1191647324 - - PREDICTED: crossover junction endonuclease EME1B-like [Jatropha curcas]
4 Hb_010998_050 0.1377983707 - - PREDICTED: kinesin-like protein KIF22 isoform X2 [Jatropha curcas]
5 Hb_004957_020 0.1414578557 - - conserved hypothetical protein [Ricinus communis]
6 Hb_005901_030 0.1439622875 - - PREDICTED: phragmoplast orienting kinesin 2 isoform X1 [Jatropha curcas]
7 Hb_003874_010 0.1466167034 transcription factor TF Family: B3 transcription factor, putative [Ricinus communis]
8 Hb_010080_010 0.1554359548 - - PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC105635247 [Jatropha curcas]
9 Hb_000369_010 0.1573488069 - - conserved hypothetical protein [Ricinus communis]
10 Hb_000563_440 0.1573599814 - - PREDICTED: condensin-2 complex subunit H2 isoform X2 [Jatropha curcas]
11 Hb_000123_140 0.162187021 - - PREDICTED: 21 kDa protein-like [Populus euphratica]
12 Hb_000345_410 0.162580082 - - PREDICTED: kinesin-like protein KIFC3 [Jatropha curcas]
13 Hb_003430_040 0.1642074927 - - spermidine synthase 1, putative [Ricinus communis]
14 Hb_000211_040 0.1645511219 - - PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC105629236 [Jatropha curcas]
15 Hb_000347_140 0.1649531168 - - PREDICTED: protein FLUORESCENT IN BLUE LIGHT, chloroplastic isoform X2 [Jatropha curcas]
16 Hb_000349_230 0.1651774391 - - PREDICTED: protein TPX2 [Jatropha curcas]
17 Hb_000300_710 0.1655433495 - - PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC105123549 [Populus euphratica]
18 Hb_000392_450 0.1658089834 - - PREDICTED: isochorismate synthase 2, chloroplastic [Jatropha curcas]
19 Hb_000211_100 0.1667468416 - - PREDICTED: biotin synthase [Jatropha curcas]
20 Hb_001454_070 0.1698527231 - - Uveal autoantigen with coiled-coil domains and ankyrin repeats isoform 1 [Theobroma cacao]

Gene co-expression network

sample Hb_000640_050 Hb_000640_050 Hb_021495_010 Hb_021495_010 Hb_000640_050--Hb_021495_010 Hb_000959_190 Hb_000959_190 Hb_000640_050--Hb_000959_190 Hb_010998_050 Hb_010998_050 Hb_000640_050--Hb_010998_050 Hb_004957_020 Hb_004957_020 Hb_000640_050--Hb_004957_020 Hb_005901_030 Hb_005901_030 Hb_000640_050--Hb_005901_030 Hb_003874_010 Hb_003874_010 Hb_000640_050--Hb_003874_010 Hb_021495_010--Hb_005901_030 Hb_001195_640 Hb_001195_640 Hb_021495_010--Hb_001195_640 Hb_010812_070 Hb_010812_070 Hb_021495_010--Hb_010812_070 Hb_000211_100 Hb_000211_100 Hb_021495_010--Hb_000211_100 Hb_003050_260 Hb_003050_260 Hb_021495_010--Hb_003050_260 Hb_000732_030 Hb_000732_030 Hb_000959_190--Hb_000732_030 Hb_001123_110 Hb_001123_110 Hb_000959_190--Hb_001123_110 Hb_000120_350 Hb_000120_350 Hb_000959_190--Hb_000120_350 Hb_000008_390 Hb_000008_390 Hb_000959_190--Hb_000008_390 Hb_000959_190--Hb_004957_020 Hb_036790_030 Hb_036790_030 Hb_010998_050--Hb_036790_030 Hb_000345_410 Hb_000345_410 Hb_010998_050--Hb_000345_410 Hb_002007_280 Hb_002007_280 Hb_010998_050--Hb_002007_280 Hb_000349_230 Hb_000349_230 Hb_010998_050--Hb_000349_230 Hb_000345_130 Hb_000345_130 Hb_010998_050--Hb_000345_130 Hb_005162_130 Hb_005162_130 Hb_010998_050--Hb_005162_130 Hb_004957_020--Hb_005901_030 Hb_003430_040 Hb_003430_040 Hb_004957_020--Hb_003430_040 Hb_004957_020--Hb_003874_010 Hb_004957_020--Hb_000211_100 Hb_000345_290 Hb_000345_290 Hb_004957_020--Hb_000345_290 Hb_004155_020 Hb_004155_020 Hb_005901_030--Hb_004155_020 Hb_000260_650 Hb_000260_650 Hb_005901_030--Hb_000260_650 Hb_005901_030--Hb_000211_100 Hb_000392_450 Hb_000392_450 Hb_003874_010--Hb_000392_450 Hb_003874_010--Hb_003430_040 Hb_002027_320 Hb_002027_320 Hb_003874_010--Hb_002027_320 Hb_007263_010 Hb_007263_010 Hb_003874_010--Hb_007263_010 Hb_004517_030 Hb_004517_030 Hb_003874_010--Hb_004517_030 Hb_000300_710 Hb_000300_710 Hb_003874_010--Hb_000300_710
Green: transcription factors, Orange: rubber biosynthesis, Blue: desease resistance

Expression pattern by RNA-Seq analysis

RRIM600_Latex RRIM600_Bark RRIM600_Leaf RRIM600_Petiole PB350_Latex RRIM901_Latex
0.320554 0.276462 2.21715 0.626374 0.437883 0.193621
RRII105_Latex_C RRII105_Latex_S RRIM928_Latex RRIM928_Bark RRIM928_Leaf
0.207488 0.362793 0.103141 0.288723 0.191569

CAGE analysis