

Type -
Description -
Location Contig974: 92700-99606


ID rcu:RCOM_1299070
description Serine/threonine-protein kinase PBS1, putative (EC:
ID XP_012078950.1
description PREDICTED: probable leucine-rich repeat receptor-like protein kinase At5g49770 [Jatropha curcas]
description Probable leucine-rich repeat receptor-like protein kinase At5g49770 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana GN=At5g49770 PE=2 SV=1
ID A0A067K885
description Uncharacterized protein OS=Jatropha curcas GN=JCGZ_13381 PE=3 SV=1
Gene Ontology
ID GO:0005622
description probable leucine-rich repeat receptor-like protein kinase at5g49770

Full-length cDNA clone information

PASA_asmbl_63982: 93615-93866 , PASA_asmbl_63983: 94479-95708 , PASA_asmbl_63984: 95517-95709

Similar expressed genes (Top20)

Rank Gene Score (JSD) Function Description NCBI(nr) information
1 Hb_000974_040 0.0 - - PREDICTED: probable leucine-rich repeat receptor-like protein kinase At5g49770 [Jatropha curcas]
2 Hb_028227_060 0.0942887884 - - PREDICTED: non-specific lipid transfer protein GPI-anchored 1-like [Populus euphratica]
3 Hb_177281_010 0.1069072382 - - PREDICTED: 50S ribosomal protein 5, chloroplastic-like [Citrus sinensis]
4 Hb_137216_010 0.1095253352 - - PREDICTED: unknown protein DS12 from 2D-PAGE of leaf, chloroplastic-like isoform X2 [Citrus sinensis]
5 Hb_001135_070 0.1095392505 - - glutathione-s-transferase omega, putative [Ricinus communis]
6 Hb_000393_040 0.1130337588 - - PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC105128208 [Populus euphratica]
7 Hb_000123_360 0.1270751398 - - PREDICTED: photosynthetic NDH subunit of lumenal location 1, chloroplastic isoform X1 [Jatropha curcas]
8 Hb_003517_110 0.1272878254 - - PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC105633058 [Jatropha curcas]
9 Hb_000268_060 0.1282569927 - - receptor protein kinase, putative [Ricinus communis]
10 Hb_007479_010 0.1323934764 - - Root phototropism protein, putative [Ricinus communis]
11 Hb_000648_070 0.1334403182 - - PREDICTED: protein TIC 62, chloroplastic [Populus euphratica]
12 Hb_002495_090 0.1362141312 transcription factor TF Family: bHLH PREDICTED: transcription factor bHLH48 isoform X2 [Jatropha curcas]
13 Hb_000302_230 0.1369588644 - - conserved hypothetical protein [Ricinus communis]
14 Hb_000080_070 0.1391984393 - - PREDICTED: peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP16-3, chloroplastic [Jatropha curcas]
15 Hb_000210_200 0.1420296147 - - PREDICTED: exocyst complex component EXO70A1 [Jatropha curcas]
16 Hb_002007_120 0.1420587876 - - PREDICTED: psbP domain-containing protein 7, chloroplastic [Jatropha curcas]
17 Hb_000028_150 0.1433690484 transcription factor TF Family: Tify PREDICTED: protein TIFY 6B isoform X1 [Jatropha curcas]
18 Hb_000768_120 0.1446031934 - - PREDICTED: RNA polymerase sigma factor sigB [Jatropha curcas]
19 Hb_004884_100 0.1470226187 - - PREDICTED: lectin-domain containing receptor kinase VI.4-like [Jatropha curcas]
20 Hb_000009_510 0.1485166452 - - PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC105126496 [Populus euphratica]

Gene co-expression network

sample Hb_000974_040 Hb_000974_040 Hb_028227_060 Hb_028227_060 Hb_000974_040--Hb_028227_060 Hb_177281_010 Hb_177281_010 Hb_000974_040--Hb_177281_010 Hb_137216_010 Hb_137216_010 Hb_000974_040--Hb_137216_010 Hb_001135_070 Hb_001135_070 Hb_000974_040--Hb_001135_070 Hb_000393_040 Hb_000393_040 Hb_000974_040--Hb_000393_040 Hb_000123_360 Hb_000123_360 Hb_000974_040--Hb_000123_360 Hb_002007_120 Hb_002007_120 Hb_028227_060--Hb_002007_120 Hb_000648_070 Hb_000648_070 Hb_028227_060--Hb_000648_070 Hb_004884_100 Hb_004884_100 Hb_028227_060--Hb_004884_100 Hb_000268_060 Hb_000268_060 Hb_028227_060--Hb_000268_060 Hb_028227_060--Hb_137216_010 Hb_177281_010--Hb_000393_040 Hb_177281_010--Hb_001135_070 Hb_001623_380 Hb_001623_380 Hb_177281_010--Hb_001623_380 Hb_177281_010--Hb_137216_010 Hb_002495_090 Hb_002495_090 Hb_177281_010--Hb_002495_090 Hb_137216_010--Hb_002495_090 Hb_137216_010--Hb_000393_040 Hb_000174_080 Hb_000174_080 Hb_137216_010--Hb_000174_080 Hb_000768_120 Hb_000768_120 Hb_137216_010--Hb_000768_120 Hb_000009_510 Hb_000009_510 Hb_137216_010--Hb_000009_510 Hb_000302_230 Hb_000302_230 Hb_137216_010--Hb_000302_230 Hb_003517_110 Hb_003517_110 Hb_001135_070--Hb_003517_110 Hb_001135_070--Hb_001623_380 Hb_001135_070--Hb_000393_040 Hb_001135_070--Hb_000123_360 Hb_000393_040--Hb_000302_230 Hb_000393_040--Hb_000009_510 Hb_000358_160 Hb_000358_160 Hb_000123_360--Hb_000358_160 Hb_110266_010 Hb_110266_010 Hb_000123_360--Hb_110266_010 Hb_001442_050 Hb_001442_050 Hb_000123_360--Hb_001442_050 Hb_000123_360--Hb_002007_120 Hb_000345_400 Hb_000345_400 Hb_000123_360--Hb_000345_400 Hb_000638_220 Hb_000638_220 Hb_000123_360--Hb_000638_220
Green: transcription factors, Orange: rubber biosynthesis, Blue: desease resistance

Expression pattern by RNA-Seq analysis

RRIM600_Latex RRIM600_Bark RRIM600_Leaf RRIM600_Petiole PB350_Latex RRIM901_Latex
0.281087 0.210855 12.8448 2.52824 0.0505029 0.387318
RRII105_Latex_C RRII105_Latex_S RRIM928_Latex RRIM928_Bark RRIM928_Leaf
0.315736 0.372662 0.206747 0.129589 8.26422

CAGE analysis