

Type -
Description -
Location Contig2886: 66358-69110


ID rcu:RCOM_1494740
description hypothetical protein
ID XP_002516070.1
description conserved hypothetical protein [Ricinus communis]
ID Q54I39
description IST1-like protein OS=Dictyostelium discoideum GN=DDB_G0289029 PE=3 SV=1
description Putative uncharacterized protein OS=Ricinus communis GN=RCOM_1494740 PE=4 SV=1
Gene Ontology
ID -
description -

Full-length cDNA clone information

PASA_asmbl_30102: 66396-66571

Similar expressed genes (Top20)

Rank Gene Score (JSD) Function Description NCBI(nr) information
1 Hb_002886_010 0.0 - - conserved hypothetical protein [Ricinus communis]
2 Hb_000264_040 0.089123531 - - sugar transporter, putative [Ricinus communis]
3 Hb_000445_120 0.1230764356 - - ATP binding protein, putative [Ricinus communis]
4 Hb_002759_050 0.1238835646 - - PREDICTED: protein ALTERED XYLOGLUCAN 4 [Jatropha curcas]
5 Hb_000301_040 0.1537957574 - - PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC105639235 [Jatropha curcas]
6 Hb_001959_100 0.1738904217 - - ammonium transporter, putative [Ricinus communis]
7 Hb_000200_360 0.176486201 - - PREDICTED: reticulon-like protein B14 [Jatropha curcas]
8 Hb_000579_110 0.176741027 - - PREDICTED: transmembrane protein 136 [Jatropha curcas]
9 Hb_005695_100 0.1781918999 - - PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC105638839 [Jatropha curcas]
10 Hb_001538_080 0.1832343208 - - PREDICTED: QWRF motif-containing protein 2 isoform X2 [Jatropha curcas]
11 Hb_003261_010 0.1867275014 - - hypothetical protein POPTR_0067s00200g [Populus trichocarpa]
12 Hb_000438_120 0.1871554418 - - CBL-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase, putative [Ricinus communis]
13 Hb_000103_130 0.1929130843 - - PREDICTED: protein NETWORKED 1A [Jatropha curcas]
14 Hb_002968_050 0.1959348313 - - Glucan endo-1,3-beta-glucosidase precursor, putative [Ricinus communis]
15 Hb_008112_020 0.1964894336 - - PREDICTED: magnesium transporter MRS2-11, chloroplastic [Jatropha curcas]
16 Hb_001124_230 0.1965963834 - - PREDICTED: divinyl chlorophyllide a 8-vinyl-reductase, chloroplastic [Jatropha curcas]
17 Hb_002759_220 0.1969553635 - - altered response to gravity (arg1), plant, putative [Ricinus communis]
18 Hb_001369_010 0.1974405491 - - Nodulation receptor kinase precursor, putative [Ricinus communis]
19 Hb_002081_020 0.1976962963 transcription factor TF Family: LIM Cysteine and glycine-rich protein, putative [Ricinus communis]
20 Hb_003226_250 0.1978546653 - - PREDICTED: UDP-glucuronic acid decarboxylase 2 [Jatropha curcas]

Gene co-expression network

sample Hb_002886_010 Hb_002886_010 Hb_000264_040 Hb_000264_040 Hb_002886_010--Hb_000264_040 Hb_000445_120 Hb_000445_120 Hb_002886_010--Hb_000445_120 Hb_002759_050 Hb_002759_050 Hb_002886_010--Hb_002759_050 Hb_000301_040 Hb_000301_040 Hb_002886_010--Hb_000301_040 Hb_001959_100 Hb_001959_100 Hb_002886_010--Hb_001959_100 Hb_000200_360 Hb_000200_360 Hb_002886_010--Hb_000200_360 Hb_000264_040--Hb_000445_120 Hb_000264_040--Hb_002759_050 Hb_000264_040--Hb_000301_040 Hb_005730_060 Hb_005730_060 Hb_000264_040--Hb_005730_060 Hb_000264_040--Hb_000200_360 Hb_000189_440 Hb_000189_440 Hb_000445_120--Hb_000189_440 Hb_000805_010 Hb_000805_010 Hb_000445_120--Hb_000805_010 Hb_000649_040 Hb_000649_040 Hb_000445_120--Hb_000649_040 Hb_000445_120--Hb_002759_050 Hb_003261_010 Hb_003261_010 Hb_002759_050--Hb_003261_010 Hb_002759_050--Hb_000200_360 Hb_002759_050--Hb_001959_100 Hb_169383_010 Hb_169383_010 Hb_000301_040--Hb_169383_010 Hb_001006_110 Hb_001006_110 Hb_000301_040--Hb_001006_110 Hb_000301_040--Hb_001959_100 Hb_000301_040--Hb_000200_360 Hb_000340_240 Hb_000340_240 Hb_001959_100--Hb_000340_240 Hb_012760_120 Hb_012760_120 Hb_001959_100--Hb_012760_120 Hb_001959_100--Hb_000200_360 Hb_000538_110 Hb_000538_110 Hb_001959_100--Hb_000538_110 Hb_000227_100 Hb_000227_100 Hb_001959_100--Hb_000227_100 Hb_011214_080 Hb_011214_080 Hb_001959_100--Hb_011214_080 Hb_012633_060 Hb_012633_060 Hb_000200_360--Hb_012633_060 Hb_000200_360--Hb_000227_100 Hb_000200_360--Hb_003261_010 Hb_000684_400 Hb_000684_400 Hb_000200_360--Hb_000684_400 Hb_000200_360--Hb_000340_240
Green: transcription factors, Orange: rubber biosynthesis, Blue: desease resistance

Expression pattern by RNA-Seq analysis

RRIM600_Latex RRIM600_Bark RRIM600_Leaf RRIM600_Petiole PB350_Latex RRIM901_Latex
0.0140833 0.373621 1.96114 4.90552 0.0414131 0
RRII105_Latex_C RRII105_Latex_S RRIM928_Latex RRIM928_Bark RRIM928_Leaf
0.224638 0.555425 0.900404 0.13105 6.70106

CAGE analysis