

Type -
Description -
Location Contig10721: 30651-34078


ID cit:102606671
description peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP16-2, chloroplastic-like
ID XP_012093270.1
description PREDICTED: photosynthetic NDH subunit of lumenal location 4, chloroplastic [Jatropha curcas]
description Photosynthetic NDH subunit of lumenal location 4, chloroplastic OS=Arabidopsis thaliana GN=PNSL4 PE=1 SV=1
description Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase OS=Jatropha curcas GN=JCGZ_24098 PE=4 SV=1
Gene Ontology
ID GO:0006457
description peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase fkbp16- chloroplastic

Full-length cDNA clone information

PASA_asmbl_02289: 29481-34014

Similar expressed genes (Top20)

Rank Gene Score (JSD) Function Description NCBI(nr) information
1 Hb_010721_020 0.0 - - PREDICTED: photosynthetic NDH subunit of lumenal location 4, chloroplastic [Jatropha curcas]
2 Hb_000193_220 0.0470707667 - - PREDICTED: ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase, chloroplastic [Jatropha curcas]
3 Hb_002811_250 0.0784679677 - - PREDICTED: probable ribose-5-phosphate isomerase 3, chloroplastic [Jatropha curcas]
4 Hb_000118_090 0.0788316902 - - Glutamyl-tRNA reductase 1, chloroplast precursor, putative [Ricinus communis]
5 Hb_007982_040 0.0808368363 - - PREDICTED: uncharacterized aarF domain-containing protein kinase At1g79600, chloroplastic [Jatropha curcas]
6 Hb_000045_050 0.092524957 - - PREDICTED: probable zinc metalloprotease EGY2, chloroplastic [Jatropha curcas]
7 Hb_000317_180 0.1011626962 - - PREDICTED: protein THYLAKOID FORMATION1, chloroplastic [Jatropha curcas]
8 Hb_000803_170 0.1029049988 - - PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC105648312 [Jatropha curcas]
9 Hb_011649_010 0.1039412671 transcription factor TF Family: Pseudo ARR-B sensory transduction histidine kinase, putative [Ricinus communis]
10 Hb_007803_040 0.1063982938 - - PREDICTED: peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase CYP37, chloroplastic [Jatropha curcas]
11 Hb_005181_120 0.1067352407 - - PREDICTED: psbB mRNA maturation factor Mbb1, chloroplastic isoform X1 [Jatropha curcas]
12 Hb_071079_020 0.1075789438 - - RNA polymerase sigma factor rpoD, putative [Ricinus communis]
13 Hb_010098_040 0.1075975944 - - PREDICTED: DNA-binding protein SMUBP-2 [Jatropha curcas]
14 Hb_005488_190 0.1097176538 - - RNA polymerase sigma factor rpoD, putative [Ricinus communis]
15 Hb_000061_250 0.1105868626 - - hypothetical protein JCGZ_11665 [Jatropha curcas]
16 Hb_009692_040 0.1109610122 - - PREDICTED: peptide chain release factor PrfB3, chloroplastic isoform X1 [Jatropha curcas]
17 Hb_000679_080 0.1112441712 - - PREDICTED: lactation elevated protein 1 isoform X1 [Jatropha curcas]
18 Hb_009393_130 0.1130300874 - - PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC105638053 isoform X4 [Jatropha curcas]
19 Hb_000032_390 0.1134918547 - - PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC105645663 [Jatropha curcas]
20 Hb_000723_320 0.1148017489 - - PREDICTED: putative cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel 15 [Jatropha curcas]

Gene co-expression network

sample Hb_010721_020 Hb_010721_020 Hb_000193_220 Hb_000193_220 Hb_010721_020--Hb_000193_220 Hb_002811_250 Hb_002811_250 Hb_010721_020--Hb_002811_250 Hb_000118_090 Hb_000118_090 Hb_010721_020--Hb_000118_090 Hb_007982_040 Hb_007982_040 Hb_010721_020--Hb_007982_040 Hb_000045_050 Hb_000045_050 Hb_010721_020--Hb_000045_050 Hb_000317_180 Hb_000317_180 Hb_010721_020--Hb_000317_180 Hb_000193_220--Hb_002811_250 Hb_000803_170 Hb_000803_170 Hb_000193_220--Hb_000803_170 Hb_000193_220--Hb_007982_040 Hb_000193_220--Hb_000118_090 Hb_000966_040 Hb_000966_040 Hb_000193_220--Hb_000966_040 Hb_010557_010 Hb_010557_010 Hb_002811_250--Hb_010557_010 Hb_002811_250--Hb_000803_170 Hb_005181_120 Hb_005181_120 Hb_002811_250--Hb_005181_120 Hb_010098_040 Hb_010098_040 Hb_002811_250--Hb_010098_040 Hb_000679_080 Hb_000679_080 Hb_002811_250--Hb_000679_080 Hb_011649_010 Hb_011649_010 Hb_000118_090--Hb_011649_010 Hb_000118_090--Hb_000045_050 Hb_071079_020 Hb_071079_020 Hb_000118_090--Hb_071079_020 Hb_000544_080 Hb_000544_080 Hb_000118_090--Hb_000544_080 Hb_007982_040--Hb_005181_120 Hb_007982_040--Hb_010098_040 Hb_009692_040 Hb_009692_040 Hb_007982_040--Hb_009692_040 Hb_000516_080 Hb_000516_080 Hb_007982_040--Hb_000516_080 Hb_000061_250 Hb_000061_250 Hb_000045_050--Hb_000061_250 Hb_000108_150 Hb_000108_150 Hb_000045_050--Hb_000108_150 Hb_000045_050--Hb_000544_080 Hb_003948_020 Hb_003948_020 Hb_000045_050--Hb_003948_020 Hb_000045_050--Hb_002811_250 Hb_000045_050--Hb_005181_120 Hb_002477_020 Hb_002477_020 Hb_000317_180--Hb_002477_020 Hb_000089_140 Hb_000089_140 Hb_000317_180--Hb_000089_140 Hb_000029_330 Hb_000029_330 Hb_000317_180--Hb_000029_330 Hb_000317_180--Hb_000803_170 Hb_009296_030 Hb_009296_030 Hb_000317_180--Hb_009296_030 Hb_001266_160 Hb_001266_160 Hb_000317_180--Hb_001266_160
Green: transcription factors, Orange: rubber biosynthesis, Blue: desease resistance

Expression pattern by RNA-Seq analysis

RRIM600_Latex RRIM600_Bark RRIM600_Leaf RRIM600_Petiole PB350_Latex RRIM901_Latex
1.82774 5.00081 26.2292 13.3467 3.56534 2.26164
RRII105_Latex_C RRII105_Latex_S RRIM928_Latex RRIM928_Bark RRIM928_Leaf
2.6186 1.72502 0.902876 3.24749 49.3033

CAGE analysis