

Type -
Description -
Location Contig173: 272963-279281


ID vvi:100261413
description glutamine synthetase leaf isozyme, chloroplastic
ID XP_002279497.1
description PREDICTED: glutamine synthetase leaf isozyme, chloroplastic [Vitis vinifera]
ID P15102
description Glutamine synthetase leaf isozyme, chloroplastic OS=Phaseolus vulgaris PE=2 SV=1
description Glutamine synthetase OS=Vitis vinifera GN=VIT_05s0020g02480 PE=3 SV=1
Gene Ontology
ID GO:0004356
description glutamine synthetase leaf chloroplastic

Full-length cDNA clone information

PASA_asmbl_16461: 272836-274449
014_L04.ab1: 272836-274443

Similar expressed genes (Top20)

Rank Gene Score (JSD) Function Description NCBI(nr) information
1 Hb_000173_330 0.0 - - PREDICTED: glutamine synthetase leaf isozyme, chloroplastic [Vitis vinifera]
2 Hb_003702_010 0.0579697043 - - PREDICTED: phospholipase A1-II 1-like [Jatropha curcas]
3 Hb_000853_340 0.0616461213 - - PREDICTED: kynurenine--oxoglutarate transaminase 1-like isoform X2 [Populus euphratica]
4 Hb_155874_020 0.0629616783 - - Chain A, Anomalous Substructure Of Hydroxynitrile Lyase
5 Hb_000023_170 0.0636353781 - - PREDICTED: protein ASPARTIC PROTEASE IN GUARD CELL 2-like [Jatropha curcas]
6 Hb_008195_100 0.0706319877 transcription factor TF Family: C2C2-YABBY PREDICTED: protein YABBY 4 [Vitis vinifera]
7 Hb_009189_090 0.0711732947 - - protein phosphatase-2c, putative [Ricinus communis]
8 Hb_132840_060 0.0731226123 transcription factor TF Family: bHLH PREDICTED: transcription factor bHLH57-like [Jatropha curcas]
9 Hb_006649_100 0.0753597736 - - cinnamoyl-CoA reductase, putative [Ricinus communis]
10 Hb_005357_210 0.077035228 transcription factor TF Family: HB PREDICTED: homeobox-leucine zipper protein MERISTEM L1 [Jatropha curcas]
11 Hb_019762_030 0.0784649423 - - hypothetical protein POPTR_0002s08720g [Populus trichocarpa]
12 Hb_005375_100 0.0799531023 transcription factor TF Family: bHLH PREDICTED: transcription factor bHLH57-like [Jatropha curcas]
13 Hb_008032_010 0.0813001878 - - Chain A, Anomalous Substructure Of Hydroxynitrile Lyase
14 Hb_003411_070 0.0832369446 - - PREDICTED: protein NRT1/ PTR FAMILY 3.1 [Populus euphratica]
15 Hb_001329_060 0.0849530776 - - Polygalacturonase precursor, putative [Ricinus communis]
16 Hb_031862_190 0.0906923353 - - -
17 Hb_063584_010 0.0917172236 - - hypothetical protein JCGZ_10530 [Jatropha curcas]
18 Hb_025048_050 0.092751064 - - PREDICTED: protein PHYTOCHROME KINASE SUBSTRATE 3 [Jatropha curcas]
19 Hb_009293_030 0.0940495025 - - PREDICTED: salicylate carboxymethyltransferase [Jatropha curcas]
20 Hb_006355_100 0.0941913516 - - hypothetical protein glysoja_002455 [Glycine soja]

Gene co-expression network

sample Hb_000173_330 Hb_000173_330 Hb_003702_010 Hb_003702_010 Hb_000173_330--Hb_003702_010 Hb_000853_340 Hb_000853_340 Hb_000173_330--Hb_000853_340 Hb_155874_020 Hb_155874_020 Hb_000173_330--Hb_155874_020 Hb_000023_170 Hb_000023_170 Hb_000173_330--Hb_000023_170 Hb_008195_100 Hb_008195_100 Hb_000173_330--Hb_008195_100 Hb_009189_090 Hb_009189_090 Hb_000173_330--Hb_009189_090 Hb_003702_010--Hb_000023_170 Hb_003702_010--Hb_009189_090 Hb_003702_010--Hb_155874_020 Hb_132840_060 Hb_132840_060 Hb_003702_010--Hb_132840_060 Hb_005357_210 Hb_005357_210 Hb_003702_010--Hb_005357_210 Hb_003702_010--Hb_000853_340 Hb_019762_030 Hb_019762_030 Hb_000853_340--Hb_019762_030 Hb_000853_340--Hb_155874_020 Hb_000853_340--Hb_008195_100 Hb_000853_340--Hb_000023_170 Hb_000853_340--Hb_132840_060 Hb_155874_020--Hb_132840_060 Hb_155874_020--Hb_000023_170 Hb_155874_020--Hb_008195_100 Hb_008032_010 Hb_008032_010 Hb_155874_020--Hb_008032_010 Hb_000023_170--Hb_009189_090 Hb_000023_170--Hb_132840_060 Hb_000023_170--Hb_008032_010 Hb_000023_170--Hb_005357_210 Hb_008195_100--Hb_003702_010 Hb_008195_100--Hb_000023_170 Hb_008195_100--Hb_132840_060 Hb_008195_100--Hb_009189_090 Hb_009189_090--Hb_008032_010 Hb_009189_090--Hb_132840_060 Hb_006355_100 Hb_006355_100 Hb_009189_090--Hb_006355_100 Hb_009189_090--Hb_005357_210
Green: transcription factors, Orange: rubber biosynthesis, Blue: desease resistance

Expression pattern by RNA-Seq analysis

RRIM600_Latex RRIM600_Bark RRIM600_Leaf RRIM600_Petiole PB350_Latex RRIM901_Latex
0 0 6.56811 0.52581 0 0.0210701
RRII105_Latex_C RRII105_Latex_S RRIM928_Latex RRIM928_Bark RRIM928_Leaf
0 0.0215297 0 0.00858113 1.58357

CAGE analysis